Thu 09 Jan
Want Out? National Free Help 24/7: 1-800-551-1300
(Auburn, Birmingham, Dothan, Gadsden, Huntsville, Mobile, Montgomery, Muscle Shoals, Tuscaloosa)
NEW♥♡[[ SNEAK ]] ♡♥♡[[ AWAY AND PLAY ]] ♡♥♡ [[WITH AN EXOTIC BEAUTY]] ♡♥♡ [[TODAY]] ♡♥ - 21
(Mobile, In/out calls)
P🌟R🌟I🌟N🌟C🌟E🌟S🌟S 👙TANNED 👙😻KINKY😻💋💋ΑβsσLϑτε ρℓєαѕυяє💋💦Come Have Some💋💦Princess 251-423-8873 - 28
(**mobile** :) Baldwin, Mobile)
Off The PlanE ! Here ONE Day Only !!! Come try my cream :) SPECIALS HERE ! - 22
(Milwaukee, Downtown Mil. area)
**Same sexy girl.**Great new pics.**Dont miss out.**Call for the time of your life.** - 23
(Anytime and just about anywhere I come u)
CINNAMON B.U.N.S. 42DD's in/ 100$) i75 & sawgrass clean apt quiet area BIG & JUICY BOOTY - 35
~~cute thick snow bunny~~ ready too play~~ after noon specials 12:00 / 6:30 - 22
(Macon, Macon GA In/Out calls /Eisenhower)
R u ReAdY fOr UnRuShEd FuN? Call me...Angela - 21
(Los Angeles, 405freeway/ready right now/in calls only)
Ready for a great time? Call Angela... Im waiting!! - 21
(Los Angeles, Lax area mobile/inn and out calls)
*~*CoMe pLaY sPiN tHe BoTtLe*~* w/ Angela..... I wont bite...unless u want me to!! - 21
(Los Angeles, 405freeway/ready right now/in calls only)
*~*CoMe pLaY sPiN tHe BoTtLe*~* w/ Angelic Angela..... I wont bite...unless u want me to!! - 21
(Los Angeles, 405freeway/ready right now/in calls only)
NeW £XoTiC B£aUTy In T0wN* @V@IL@BL£ N0w* Fr£AKy Sp£CiALS ALL N!T£* I w@NN@ H@V£ S0m£ FUN*L£Ts PL@y
(San Fernando Valley, Shrmn.oaks.van.Nuys.Burbank.405.StudioC)
* * * Kute Petite Ebony w/ Dimpleš * * * - 21
(Los Angeles, *Inglewood *LAX *Marina Del Rey *405 fwy)
×°x°×CLiCK HERE ×°x°× IF YoU ×°x°× REQUiRE ×°x°× THE BEST ×°x°× - 25
* NO upsale! "im just A FREAK" $100 special 385-212-0902 1 or 2 gurl up to you!! TILA & SARA - 27
(Salt Lake City, SLC & surrounding areas incall & out)
°★°o© {FREAKY FRIDAY} °o© {SPECIALS} °o© °o© {COME} °o© {PLAY} !! °o© °★° - 21
(St. Pete N Call/ Private Residence)
STL FINEST high class exscorting in heels only! i love white men lets party!B HERE LATER TODAY - 22
(airport area)
Santa's Little Helper Ready To Give You ALL you Need - 20
(San Fernando Valley, Sherman oaks/Noho/SFV/Allaround)
NEW! [ DROP ] __ •❤• __ [ DEAD ] __ •❤• __ [ GORGEOUS ] __ •❤• __ [ CHOCOLATE ]!!!- - 20
(San Fernando Valley, chatsworth/canoga park/woodland hills)
:*:*:*:* EaRlY BiRd sPeCiAlS :*:*:*:*: CuM & gEt iT :*:*:*:*:aLl NiCe & WaRm :*:*:*:*: - 19
Truly Angels Escorts Featuring *~JENNY EVE*~ Avail WEDS 12/29 ONLY!!! Pre-Booking NOW!!! - 34
WELL REVIEWED COME PLAY with Sexy Tatted *Green Eyed Cutie~ Fun to play with***** - 31
(Maitland altamonte, Orlando)
"SlUtTy"{ sUpErSeXyMaMi WaNt's uR L0*@d } ♥jUiCy 80~hhr SpECiaLs♥ { CaLL NoW } - 25
| SMOKiiN HotTt Blonde ~ Beautiful Face * 34DD * Soft Round Booty ~ ELITE Companion | - 21
Only 2 DAYS..IRA Poland pleasure is the BEST.. 100% real pics 321.439.3192 - 25
(Orlando, Orlando . international drive)
🔥🔥🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟F I V E 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟S T A R 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 TREATMENT 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🔥🔥 - 19
(Orange County, Santa Ana , Costa Mesa 22-405Fwy)
~HEY~~~ ~~~YOU~~~ ~ARE~~~ ~~~YOU ~~~ ~~~READY~~~ 4 ME NOW @ubrey 80 spls - 21
(North Jersey, north bergen in/out)
Highly Reviewed °♥° HoTTi€ Vi§iTiNG •♥• N*A*U*G*H*T*Y $pring FLiNG $peciaLs •♥• S*€*X*i 5 ★§ervice - 28
(North Jersey, XoX Parcippany aReA iNCaLL XoX)
0°©¤____ ($X¥) _____ ($WT ) ____ (F/@WL££ ) ____($140outcall hr) 0°©¤0°©¤0°©¤ - 19
(Eastern Connecticut, SURROUNDING AREAS ( OUTCALLS))
come play with mrs thiccuiums.. here for a short time..Must see;))) - 23
(Myrtle Beach, Ocean Blvd Myrtle Beach)
Indulge yourself in the best milk and cookies ever, Best one on one massages anywhere dont miss out! - 23
(Anywhere,Anytime I come to you!!!)
Two girl special Sexy Italian beauty the one your mama warned you abou an Mrs Beckyt - 26
(Eastern NC, Greenville)
❤Your Limited Edition Exotic $uper Fre@K❤ Fetish Fantasy Available Now ☎ME - 24
(Memphis, your Room or Mines)
NEW GirL)) UNFORGETTABLE!! sweet _( big BooTy)_Fun & Safe _ PLEASURE AWAITS U $100$ = - - 21
(San Antonio, Airport)
░ Megan of Manhattan 💋 ___ Short Skirts & Summer In The City!!!!! 💋 ░ - 23
(Upper Manhattan, UPPER EAST SIDE 60s)
BUST IT OPEN***Extoic Ebony*** 1 0F A KIND *%# & GO spcls 80 - 24
(City of San Diego, la mesa/ el cajon city)
gGrab Your ☂JUC! is Here 4 u ..42ddd ebony beauty! . ☎NOW ...Sexy BBW Edition! - 32
HoTT FrSH ITaLiaN BaB ! FanTas¥ DramG!rL LeT Me TaKe U2 My CaNdyShoP N0W AvA!LabL OLdRMN OnL¥ - 21
yOuNg N sEdUcTiVe.... *** MoIsT n TiGhT!!! iM yOuR gUrl *** - 21
(Los Angeles, 405freeway/ready right now/in calls only)
**tAkE sOmE tImE oUt YoUr DaY 2 CoMe PlAy** w/ Angelic Angela!!! - 21
(Los Angeles, 405freeway/ready right now/in calls only)
im what youv'e been waiting for sexy blonda - 20
♥~Give me wat I want I'll give u wat u want...I need help paying for my new apartment~♥ - 24
(Pinellas Co, Largo/Seminole)
Late nights with brunette bombshell Lindsay! Incalls avail! Ask about duo s w/ Kelli or jaz! - 25
• — • ✦ P E R F E C T I O N ✦ • — • (ROOM. ROOMMATE. APT. WANTED) • — • ✦ MOUTH hugs GURL! • — • ✦ - 30
(Los Angeles, Hollywood / out calls only / car dating)
TiGhT LiTtLe SuRpRiZe &aSk; AbOuT mY sPeCiAlS **angela...** - 21
(Los Angeles, 405freeway/ready right now/in calls only)
LeTs GeT fReAkY @mY pLaCe Or YoUr pLaCe... ***im ready baby*** early morning specials - 21
(Los Angeles, lax area/mobile/inn/out calls welcome)
Eearly morning special w/ AnGeLic AnGeLa (((caution))) very slipery - 21
(Los Angeles, 405 freeeay /flexible/inn calls only)