Fri 03 Jan
Big Thangs Cumm In Small Packages Sexy ,freaky,,as you want me to be 120 specials 283-6669
❤☞ Ådd!©T!V€⇨ F®e@K¥ GiRL⇨•★ [[ 🍰__CoMe F=E=E=L !nS!d€__🍭]] ★ - 21
(Memphis, Casino,west mphs,Germantown,cordova)
A Great $$ Special with a Busty Woman * I'm Aspen, EAGER to PLEASE and MAKE YOU VERY HAPPY - 36
(Chattanooga, exit 1)
____beautiful ❤seXy Petite body_pReTty n veRy sExy sMokInG eBoNy❤ - 21
(Memphis, Downtown Germantown ❤CASINOS ❤Southaven)
So Hott Ent. Provides the Elite Gentleman with the Ultimate Place to Relax. 20 Miles Across AL line. - 18
(Hwy 53 Harvest Al. $$20 Ws)
❥ ❣ ♛ ❥ BISEXUAL 2 For 100^ ❥ ❣ ♛ ❥ specials ❥ ❣ ♛ ❥ 100 ^ ❥ ❣ ♛ ❥ 2 For 1 Prices ❥ ❣ ♛ ❥ - 19
(( Sexii FLawless Barbie 😘 in call special 80/160 😘 SeNsUaL & SeDuCtiVe Hottie 😍😏😍 AVAIL AT 2PM - 23
(in call near 24_&___harding place, Nashville)
😘😘[[GORGeOUs BaBe ]] 💛💋💋[[BeAuTiFul SmiLe]]💋💋[[ SUPER SEXY ]] 💋💋——💋💋[[ READY NOW - 22
(Murfreesboro, Nashville,Antioch, Brentwood)
🔛point✅ 🔝notch✅ 🆙scale✅▪ 🌟call 📲 now🌟▪💧better💧than your ex 💦better than your next 💦 - 30
(Memphis, Out and in 901)
***** Private ***** Mature ***** Classy ***** GFE Companion ***** VISITING ***** 3.3-3.5
(East Memphis / Tunica)
PINKYS One Night To REMEMBER !!! (901 596 2357 ) IF YOU GET NO ANSWER Please Text - 19
(Memphis, sycamore view)
-:¦:- ___PLAYMATE _ -:¦:-__ H_O_T_T_I_E_S _____* A *_____ M_U_S_T_ -:¦:-__ S_E_E - 20
outcalls_and incalls_forget the rest, you deserve the best your girl, Ashley🎀 (901)512-9961 - 24
(Memphis, Memphis, Brownsville. Germantown Parkway)
HOT AND NEW blonde ..... up late tonight and looking for some fun//// Incall specials - 24
(Madison, Madison Only)
Craigslist Adult Services closed Permanantly. Post your ads on
(Appleton / Oshkosh / FDL, Eau Claire, Green Bay, Janesville, Kenosha / Racine, La Crosse, Madison, Milwaukee, Sheboygan, Wausau)
5'11 . .LEGGY . .BLONDE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1..HR....$135..TIL 6 PM..ONLY! - 43
(Madison, madison-east/downtown)
💋💖💋💖100% mixed Indonesian/Bohimeian Beauty Ready To Tango Call Now - 24
((((((Out Call Only!!!))))), Madison)
💦YeS ! PLeASe ! 🎉 FReAky👅 H ✪ T__M ✪ U T H 👑 bLoNde➝ TiCKLe_my_WarM_k i T T y 🍦 - 25
(Incall/Outcall, Macon)
VOLUPTOUS ViXen eXtreme Curves! Former Adult Model FF Breasts! NO MORE AVAILABILITY! - 38
(Louisville Convention/Expo Center)
THiCK TO PERFECTION❗️💋Melt in your MOUTH👅 💦💦Ready 2 SOAK the bed 💦💦 JUiCY🍉👅 avail NOW - 27
IN/out CaLL aVaiLaBLe (($SPeCiaL$)) IM THe #1 COMPANION Of THe Yr SO-iM TOLD!!! ((502- 835- 1682)) - 31
(Louisville, IN/OUT CALL.. 24/7.. PLZ CALL NO TXTING.)
PRETTY.. LEGGY ...BLONDE. . . . . . . . . .. . . .FRIDAY IS A. . . .'SPECIAL' .....MORNING! - 45
MCFARLAND ✳️♻️♻️🎀224-253-2718 ✳️♻️✳️♻️✳️♻️MCFARLAND ✳️♻️✳️♻️✳️♻️LISA - 20
(Madison, 🌹🌹🌹 224-253-2718 MCFARLAND ONLY)