Fri 03 Jan
&&&&&&&& Call 408-907-0127 #*#* Sexy New Asian Girl Jenny *#*# Outcall Only &&&&&&&&=== - 23
(City of San Jose, North Bay, Outcall Only, San Francisco, San Jose / South Bay, Santa Cruz)
(408)992-5413 ---✦❤✦---Nana + Lin + Grace--✦❤✦--- 100% Real pics - 24
(237/101 Lawrence / N.First/Montaque expy, City of San Jose, San Jose / South Bay)
★█★█✔Put Me on Your ₮o Do List█★█UP LATE HRS&I;'m Totally Worth It★ OUTCALLS - - 21
(Las Vegas, the strip)
💕✈💜❤PETITE Spinner LOVES Travelers ❤✈💚💋OUTCALLS💚💋Very TASTY Treat💦💦 - 25
(Las Vegas, Las Vegas Strip)
Platinum blue eyed blonde/ busty ( Triple D) MILF/Playful easygoing fun girl - 45
(Las Vegas, SouthWest)
Were UP All Night Long ~ Older Men & Military Specials 858-717-5506 - 25
(City of San Diego, San Diego all the way up to Oceanside!!)
✿ W A R N I N G : N O T_ Y O U R _ T Y P I C A L _ B A C K P A G E _ G I R L ✿ - 23
(Mission Valley)
P °__° L °__° A °__° Y ° ☻ ☻ ° T °__° I °__° M °__° E ° - 24/7 - 19
~*~*~* ONE of a Kind!!!* .. ! (((Beautiful))) BUSTY Brunette Bombshell!!! *~*~*~* SpEcIaL - 27
(North SD County, Rancho Bernardo)
♡♥¤ " A TIME To REMEMBER " ♡♥ ♡♥ Is Just A CALL AwaY ♡♥¤ ExotiC Barbie ♡♥ - 25
(Cleveland, Beachwood/Cleveland outcall only)
GoOoOd MORNING = = HELLO . H A N D S O M E . = = EXOTIC THAI Hottie! 100% REAL ! ;) - 21
(North SD County, San Diego Incall= OUTS ALL OVER)
* _ * _________ * ______ * Goregous Independent Filipina * _____ * _________ 120 specials today - 22
(120 san diego incall/outcall special)
——————[[ GORGeOUs BaBe ————————[[ SUPER SEXY ]] —————————[[ UPSCALE HOTTIE - 21
(City of San Diego, My place or yours)
//// //// // // //// /// //// //// / COCO SPA // /// /// /// //// NEW STAFF ADD ..... 858-621-6369 - 23
(City of San Diego, MIRAMA RD)
⚠⚠⚠Bad Girl Gone Goooood!. ⚠⚠⚠Have A Little Danger In Your Life⚠⚠⚠720-985-8346⚠⚠⚠⚠ - 35
(City of San Diego, San Diego, sAN dIEGO incall)
...Tall...Blonde...Long Legs...Naughty...and Georgous...Tonight - South San Jose... - 38
(City of San Jose, San Jose / South Bay, South San Jose)
🔶🔶 🔹🔹🔶WiLL leave you BREATHLESS and SATISFIED🔶 🔹🔹🔶🔶🔶 - 41
(San Jose / South Bay, Santa Clara, 🌹🌹INCALL Santa Clara🌹🌹)
❤ ★ ❤ Sexy Sweet Sasha New girl 408 256- 9097 ❤ ★ ❤ - 21
(San Jose / South Bay, outcall anywhere === Anytime)
Lovely Vicky,want to see you baby,real pic, 2x ok. - 25
(City of San Jose, San Jose / South Bay, san jose/South bay)
== ____ == ____ =| = iRiSH = BOMBSHELL | = ____ == ____ - 19
(San Jose / South Bay, MiLPiTAS ; SAN JOSE ; INCALLS)
Aunto flo arrive soon. Avail dec 4th, 5th ( Sat, Sun) Down 2 earth , sexy. 100% real woman - 28
(your home / apt /select hotels)
✨🌟👊Pre&Post; FiGhT ENT👊✨🌟 💋🔥💎LATINA MIX💋 REAL & REVIEWED💋🔥💎 100sp🌹 - 20
(San Gabriel Valley, PASADENA 100sp SI HABLO ESPANOL)
___♥♥♥ Superb Service♥♥ Pretty therapists @@@ PALM TREE____ - 25
(San Gabriel Valley, 13441 Dalewood Street, Baldwin Park)
▃▆▓▓❀▓▓▆▃☆°☆°❤ ( ¯ Hot Asian Girls Still Waiting For you in SGV ´¯ ) ▃▆▓▓❀▓▓▆▃ - 25
(San Gabriel Valley, Hot Girl in SGV)
▊▊▊▊▊▊▊ 💋 NICE TITS 💋 ▊▊▊▊▊💋 Sexy YOUNG STRIPPERS 💋 ▊▊▊▊▊ 💋 NICE ASSES 💋 ▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊ - 22
(Oceanside / Carlsbad, San Diego, San Diego and surrounding areas)
X?X AnYTH¡NG GoEs X?X __YES Its Really ME! EBONY SuPeR Fr3AkY__X?X AnYTH¡NG GoEs?X?X - 69
(North SD County, ASSAHOLICS!!! COME GET IT!!! ★ LAM)
~~~ ~~~ STOP ~~~ ~~~ CLICK ~~ ~~ HERE ! ~~~ G0RGE0US~~~ BLONDE~~~ Tonight Only- - 25
(North SD County, Carlsbad Incall/ To U Outcall)
Slim, Slender, Petite Mixxed Beauty..Lets Get 2gether!! *Spoil UR Self! come get it* SPECIAL - 24
(Mission Valley/ Incall/Outcall)
*¨¨*:☆ ▄▀▄▀♥ ♡》SeXy PeTiTe ♡♥ DELITE ▄▀▄▀▄ ▀♥ 》》♡♥ AvAiLaBLe NoW ▄▀▄▀▄ ▀♥ ♡《《 ☆ - 21
(City of San Diego, San diego in/outcall)
S _T _U _N _N _I _N _G 80 B_ L _O _N _D _E _+ + + + + + + + +))) - 23 - 23
(North SD County, oceanside/carlsbad/north san diego)
Taking you by the hand and walking you into a erotic fantacy - 24
(Appleton / Oshkosh / FDL, Eau Claire, Janesville, Kenosha / Racine, Milwaukee, Wausau, Wisconsin)
2 Sexy Models are waiting Here for YOU to Frolic in a passion filled fantasy - 25
(Portland, Vancouver (close in))
🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 ALL NEW HOT SEXY PRETTY EROTIC ASIAN 🌹 5033609283 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 - 20
(BEAVERTON PORTLAND 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹, Portland)
The Girl Next Door has Naughty Secret - 19
(Appleton / Oshkosh / FDL, Eau Claire, Green Bay, In town, Janesville, Kenosha / Racine, La Crosse, Madison, Milwaukee, Sheboygan, Wausau)
Petite Kinky Sandy Blonde Cutie With A Nice Size Booty - 25
(and surrounding areas, Janesville, Kenosha / Racine)
*NeW In ToWN*😋😎.... YESs im BAck...EvENinG SpeCIALs 😝BOOTY CUTIE - 23
😘 ROYALTY Treatment " Spectacular 👌 😘 Excitment 🎉 HAVE Things Your Way 💋 NO Limit Fun - 24
(In/out southside milwau surround, Janesville, Kenosha / Racine, Milwaukee, Sheboygan)
New Intown so come unwind with sweet sensual ASIA - 22
(Kenosha / Racine, kenosha/surrounding areas)
💋tHicK bOOty aSiAn🍑hOt &' creaMy🍑 --> yoUng &' ηαυς╠╣†γ -*ρℓαγmA†E💋 - 20
(Honolulu (Oahu), OUTCALL/INCALL)
💜💕💜 Leah 💗 Jay 💗 Donna 💗 Herry 💗 Julie 💗 Yuki 💗 Best Relaxation ❤❤ #1 Service & More (808) -597-8280 - 23
(320 WARD AVE. HONOLULU 96814, Honolulu (Oahu))
-•.♥.•---•.♥.•- -•.♥.•-•.♥.•- -•.♥.• Jessica and Hazel going home soon! come check us out. - 21
(Honolulu (Oahu), 1750 Kalakaua Av)
I'M BACK !! OuTCaLLs ONLY ! [[ SwEEt]]—— [[SeXXy]] ——☆[[LaTiNa]]☆ —— [[LeT's PLaY NoW !]] ♡ - 23
(Honolulu (Oahu), OAHU OUTCALLS)
- - - - - GORGEOUS Party Girl !! 💋 💕 HOTT 🔥 !! - - - - - NAKED PLAYBOY 🐰- - - FANTASY🌸 - - - - 27
(Honolulu (Oahu), WAKIKI outcalls / incalls)
Friend with Benefits and a Married Mans Best Kept Secret! - 19
(Big Island, Honolulu (Oahu), Kauai, Maui, In your arms ;))
✨💕✨ Former ADULT Star ✨💕✨ BLONDE ✨💕✨ Asian ✨💕✨ Companion ✨💕✨ - 28
(Honolulu (Oahu), Near Ala Moana Mall)